GPS Timing Over USB

I recently posted about building this GPS receiver for use in making Stratum 1 NTP servers, and through conversation with some friends, I was interested understanding the performance difference in timing the Pulse-Per-Second (PPS) signal via the hardware serial port, and via the USB port.

In this discussion we are looking at the timing of the DCD pin change which the PPS signal is connected to. Most USB based GPS receivers do not expose the PPS signal via the DCD line, which is part of why I built mine. My receiver uses the FTDI FT231XS chip for handling the USB serial port, and supports the DCD line (along with a number of others). There are a number of folks I’ve seen write tutorials which base timing off of the arrival of the NMEA text strings the GPS puts out, which is entirely unsuitable. The output of NMEA strings is not a strictly controlled timing source from the GPS, and should *ONLY* be used for coarse time setting. We’ll also see below that there are additional error sources impacting the accuracy of timing on the string data as compared to the DCD line.

There has been a long-touted statement that USB is unsuitable for capturing the precise timing of the PPS signal from a time source like a GPS due to USB being a polled bus. The end device can’t initiate an interrupt, and has to wait for the host computer to get around to asking it for data. A hardware serial port on the other hand has the capability to have interrupts trigger on things like the DCD line changing state, and thus the system can quickly capture the timing of the event.

On the surface these two things make sense, but I became interested in *how much* worse the USB device would perform. Not every host system has an available serial port, and USB might prove to be pretty reasonable, even if not as good.

I began the investigation by installing a clean Ubuntu 22.04 LTS image on a HP T620 thin client, and attaching the GPS to the hardware serial port. I configured gpsd and chrony per the docs in my github repo, and started logging the chrony tracking data.

Here on the hardware serial port, the system tracks GPS well, and the RMS (A kind of average) Offsets were generally pretty good with values on the order of less than 20uS (microSeconds).

After gathering that data, I used the same GPS device, but plugged it into the USB port instead to compare.

Here we see that when timing the signal via USB, the offsets are at best an order of magnitude worse, jumping pretty chaotically between 250uS and 350uS. This is definitely not as good as the hardware serial port by a long shot, but it’s still down around a third of a millisecond, and plenty good enough for most applications.

However, there’s a number of USB ports on this system, there’s even USB3 ports on it. The device (the FT231XS) is still only a USB2 device, so I should expect the same results… right?

What? Somehow the same USB2 device, when plugged into a USB3 port, is managing better timing than the hardware serial port. Not by a lot, but it is better. How does this work when USB is supposed to be always worse due to the polled nature of the bus?

I needed to get a clearer picture of how the FT231XS was interacting with the host. In my network engineering day job, we use TCPdump all the time to capture network packets for analysis. I figured there had to be some utility to capture data from the USB system. Turns out that utility is still TCPdump!

With the ‘usbmon’ kernel module loaded, TCPdump will actually capture packets from the USB system, and the Wireshark analysis utility will even parse them! I made a pair of captures, one from one of the poorly performing USB2 ports, and one from the magical USB3 port.

Here we see the USB2 capture on the left, and the USB3 one on the right. In the top portion of the window, I’ve highlighted the frame where the DCD line goes low and the FT231XS is reporting that data, and in the middle-ish portion of the window I’ve highlighted the time the computer thinks this frame has arrived.

You can see in the Epoch Time / Arrival Time lines, that on USB2, the system thinks this packet arrived 277uS after the second ticked over, and on USB3, the system thinks it arrived 2uS after the second ticked over. Let’s look at the overall set of frames to see how the FT231XS is behaving. Maybe it’s different when plugged into USB3 somehow?

Nope. The FTDI chip is behaving exactly the same way on each bus, which makes sense. The device itself only does USB2. It’s going to keep doing what it does. We also see an interesting pattern in the frames. The host is asking the device to report data, and the device is taking just under 16mS (milliSeconds) to reply, and then the host immediately asks again for more data. Repeat the cycle.

Except when the DCD line changes. In the frame where the DCD line changed, the FTDI chip didn’t take 16mS to reply, it replied much sooner. Clearly the chip is treating this differently somehow. Let’s look at what the chip asked for in the configuration info during initialization.

Here we see the configuration endpoints for reading data from the chip, and writing data out to the chip. It’s saying that the max packet size will be be 64 bytes, and it wants the polling interval to be 0. The FTDI folks are being clever here. For slower devices like a GPS, the NMEA data isn’t going to fill up the 64 byte buffer very fast, but they want to have the option to deal with things like the DCD line quickly, so the chip tells the computer to immediately poll again, but the chip will wait a little while (the 16 milliseconds we saw above) to let the buffer fill a little and make efficient use of the USB frame, *EXCEPT* if there’s a DCD change and all it has to do is stop waiting and respond immediately.

So, we’ve determined that the chip is acting the same way on both the USB2, and USB3 ports, and that the designers of the chip have taken considerations to make line changes report quickly. Why are the results so different then?

MAGIC. Well, chipsets, but effectively magic. The processor in a computer isn’t directly connected to the USB ports (or really most of the ports). The processor talks to the chipset (part of the motherboard) that handles a buttload of stuff, often including the USB ports. This gets into pretty opaque territory for me, and maybe someone with a ton of experience with chipsets / chipset drivers and config might be able to illuminate more, but it seems that ultimately the designers of this chipset decided that this performance was good enough for USB2, and that USB3 (as a newer & faster version) needed more.

However, that begs a new question. Will different chipsets treat this differently? Absolutely.

I got another system together, again with a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, but this time the system was server hardware rather than a little thin client. A SuperMicro box, with a Xeon CPU is surely a very different beast than the HP T620. Let’s compare the hardware serial port now to USB2.

Here we see the first part of the graph as the performance on the hardware serial port, the spike around 2:30PM is when I reconfigured it to use USB, and the latter part of the graph is performance on USB2. We see that the USB visually is very slightly worse, but is effectively comparable to the hardware serial port. In the case of this server hardware, with the chipset it was built with, the USB option seems to be just as good.

Circling back all the way to the beginning, does the saying that USB PPS signals aren’t as accurate as ones captured via a hardware serial port remain valid? It depends.

Clearly on some systems performance does suffer. On other systems, or even potentially different ports on the same system, you could see performance that meets or potentially marginally exceeds the hardware serial port. The only way to know is to measure it.

Of course, you still need a GPS with PPS signal, being fed into a quality USB adapter with proper handling for line changes. However, I’ve come out of this a lot more willing to think of USB as a viable option (with verification).

As a caveat, these tests were done with otherwise idle systems, and no other USB devices plugged in. Busier systems, or ones with other USB devices contending for time on the bus may impact performance in ways we haven’t seen in the testing above, but that’s science for the future.

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Air Quality Sensor

A couple years ago I cobbled together a couple of air quality sensors to give my family and I a better idea of the state of the air in and outside our home, particularly during what seems to be becoming the annual fire season in the Pacific Northwest.

These were cobbled together devices mostly with parts I already had laying around, which worked fine, and continue to operate well, but as we approach another summer I was interested in putting together a couple additional sensors as well as improving the state of the hardware.

The sensor I’ve put together is based around an ESP32 reading data from a pair of Plantower PMS7003 particulate sensors, and a Bosch Sensortec BME280 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity sensor. The data from all the sensors is then sent to my logging/graphing system via WiFi.

I took inspiration from the commercially available sensors from PurpleAir and designed it to fit within a 3″ PVC pipe cap, along with a 3D printed carrier, which provides for a nice outdoor enclosure that can be easily mounted in a variety of locations.

The 3D printed carrier has vent openings for the particulate sensors, and the temperature sensor extends below the main body to have the best exposure to the ambient temperature with minimized effects of internal heating, but still being sheltered under the cap.

I’m looking forward to getting a few of these deployed, and getting a better picture of the air quality in my area over the coming months.

Lastly, the project is open source and you can find all the resources on my GitHub repo.

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GPS Device for NTP Servers

I’ve made a few posts over the years about using GPS devices for precision timekeeping for NTP Stratum 1 servers, and recently the topic came up again with some colleagues to potentially build another one.

My previous builds have been based on Raspberry Pi computers, but with the Pis currently being unobtainium, and some recent drama around their foundation, I got to thinking about alternatives for building a Stratum 1.

Of course, you can buy Stratum 1 servers from various vendors, but their prices are much higher than I’m interested in. Likewise you can buy inexpensive off the shelf GPS devices to plug into USB or a serial port, but they often don’t properly expose the precise timing signals required. Mostly for the enjoyment of it, I decided to build a middle-ground device that would connect to either a USB or RS232 serial port, properly expose the timing signals, and pair it with some good documentation on how to set this up with any linux server.

The design, code, and instructions are open source. You can find them on my GitHub repository.

Posted in Electronics, Projects, Technology | 1 Comment

Growing Salt Crystals

I recently read an article about growing salt crystals and was impressed with the quality of growth they were able to achieve. It seemed like an interesting thing to try, and could add to my rocks and minerals collection.

I won’t rehash everything the article talks about, as they go into good detail on the process, but I will add some bits of commentary on my experiences trying it.

You start with boiling some water and adding salt to it until no more will dissolve. I used regular tap water, but I am curious if places with more mineral content in the water might get different results, for me tap water worked fine.

I aimed for a temperature that gave me a very low boil. I didn’t want a big roiling boil, and it really took a lot more salt than I expected. I left it boiling for some time, stirring occasionally, to make sure it really got as much dissolved as possible. The article talks about starting to see crystals forming on the surface of the water, which I saw as well, and was a good indication.

The saturated salt solution was put into a pyrex dish, covered with a lid, and left to sit for a day to stabilize. We expect a bunch of disorderly crystals to form here as the solution cools and equalizes with room temperature. The room temperature water can’t hold as much salt, so crystals start to drop out of solution.

After a day the solution has come to a reasonable equilibrium and we can filter out any crystals and transfer just the liquid solution into a new container.

Now that we have our stable and saturated salt solution, we need to grow some seed crystals.

From here on out, we are controlling crystal growth by controlling evaporation. Temperature plays a role in how much salt the water can carry as well, as we know from the initial boil, but we’re assuming that everything is in a reasonably temperature stable environment. So with the temperature stable, what controls how much salt the water can hold on to, is how much water there is overall. As water evaporates from the solution, there will be left too much salt for the remaining water to hold in solution, and it will have to crystalize out. We control the growth by controlling how fast the water can evaporate.

I used some inexpensive petri dishes from Amazon as my containers for growing my crystals. These petri dishes have three tiny little bumps on the inside of the lid that allow for just the smallest bit of an air gap when the lid is on. This seems to be a good setup for the later growth stage, but here where we’re trying to get a large number of seed crystals to start, we want a bit more evaporation. I just propped up one side of the lid a bit to allow for a little more air exchange.

Within a day or two, I had a large number of tiny seed crystals in this starter dish. Here you’ll need to take some time looking carefully and select a small number of the most perfect ones you can see. Prepare another dish with the salt solution, and place your seed crystal(s) in. Because I was using larger containers than the original article, I did four crystals per dish, rather than the one crystal they describe. They are difficult to see here, but there are four crystals I’ve selected and spaced apart in this dish.

We put the lid on all the way to limit evaporation, and now it’s a waiting game. Keep them undisturbed, and check on them every few days to a week to keep tabs on the progress.

After 5 weeks, I ended up having to move the dishes to make room for another project, and the disturbance seems to have been enough to set off a bunch of new crystal formation. I started seeing new seed crystals forming, as well as non-uniform growth on the larger existing crystals, so I ended this run at 6 weeks.

The crystals were pulled out, blot dried on a paper towel, and left to finish drying overnight. These are complete, ready to handle, and be put on display in my collection.

Overall I’m very impressed with the results. It’s a reasonably straightforward process and is a fun little experiment to end up with very nice large single crystal chunks of salt. It’s also easily approachable for anyone at home with basic kitchen utensils, and could also make for a good science project for a school aged child as well.

If I repeat the process, I would try to improve things by getting the growth dishes into a place where they won’t be disturbed. Additionally all of my crystals have a hollow on the underside where they were flat against the dish and were unable to get fresh solution to them to allow growth. I might also experiment with occasionally turning the crystals over to see if that can be mitigated.

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Inexpensive Lightning Arrestor

I’ve recently been working on a project involving GPS, and wanted to find an inexpensive lightning arrestor. It needed to have DC pass through to power the active GPS antenna, it needed to be able to pass the roughly 1.6GHz signals without much attenuation, and I preferred it to have SMA connectors as that’s what’s on the cables I’m using.

I was able to find a few cheap options below $20 on Amazon marketed at WiFi devices, and supposedly specified to 6GHz, which is well higher than I require. For that price point I decided it was worth buying one to test and see if it would work for my application, and I’m pretty pleased with the results.

The device itself looks to be of good quality for the price. It has a machined body and all the surfaces look pretty good. Inside is the center conductor with a notch for the gas discharge tube to press against.

Mechanically this is a real simple device, and looks to have been constructed reasonably well. Though I still needed to measure the RF performance to make sure losses would be acceptable in my application.

Here you can see a pair of thru plots I captured. The first being a larger sweep from 1 to 2000MHz, and the second being a ‘zoomed-in’ sweep of 1550 to 1600MHz covering the GPS L1 frequency at roughly 1575MHz. The 0.0dBm Display Line being the reference line for no loss, and 1dB divisions. In the wider graph, we see the worst case loss being at roughly 0.5dB, and in the more specific sweep, the loss at the GPS L1 frequency looks to be about 0.3dB.

I’m quite pleased with this performance, and at this price point the device seems like a no-brainer choice to use in my projects in locations that require some additional protection.

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