Category Archives: Technology

Wired Ethernet on ESP32

I’ve used the ESP32 microcontrollers for a number of projects at this point, often using the built-in WiFi radio. However, there are use cases where WiFi may be less than ideal. In my case, I’m interested in the higher reliability … Continue reading

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Simulating Full IPv4 Tables in the Lab

I’ve been doing some testing recently with different software based routers, and wanted to give them a test under real world conditions. The current full IPv4 table is larger than 900,000 routes and to get an idea of how well … Continue reading

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GPS Timing Over USB

I recently posted about building this GPS receiver for use in making Stratum 1 NTP servers, and through conversation with some friends, I was interested understanding the performance difference in timing the Pulse-Per-Second (PPS) signal via the hardware serial port, … Continue reading

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GPS Device for NTP Servers

I’ve made a few posts over the years about using GPS devices for precision timekeeping for NTP Stratum 1 servers, and recently the topic came up again with some colleagues to potentially build another one. My previous builds have been … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Projects, Technology | 1 Comment

Programmable Holiday Lights

I’m far from the only person to use addressable LED strips as holiday lights, so I won’t delve too deeply into the details. The project has been on my mind for a few years, as the annual endeavor to fix/install … Continue reading

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