Some time ago I posted that I’ve been involved in a Kickstarter to create a ham radio shield for the Arduino platform. That project is called HamShield, and is now complete and the boards have been shipped to the Kickstarter backers.
I decided to take my board, and 3D print a box for it, to make a portable APRS tracker I could take down with me to Black Rock.
A home etched GPS board, and some 3D printing time later, I had a nifty little box.
Just one example of many of potential uses for your HamShield board!
Do you have any details on your GPS build and code? I can only seem to find bits and pieces for an APRS hamshield build.
Hey Matt,
If you haven’t already I’d suggest taking a look at the APRS example in the HamShield repo.
It’s a fairly basic example where you craft a static message. Combine that with something like the TinyGPS library, and you should be able to get GPS position updates into your APRS packets without too much trouble.