I’ve recently purchased a new EME179 1.2 GHz preamplifier from MiniKits to help improve the ATV signal I receive at my QTH. I live a little over nine miles from the repeater site, and while there aren’t any hills in the way, I do have a good number of trees between myself and the transmitter.
My receive image is generally pretty good, some snow, but good color, and stable. Generally I’d classify it as a P3+ or a P4-. That is, on a good day. When the weather is inclement, my picture drops to a complete loss, or at the best a really low P3-. Here’s a couple of images from yesterday afternoon, with rainy weather, before installing the preamp.
After installing the preamp, the results are significantly improved. Despite the inclement weather, I was getting a good P3 or more, and I fully expect the results to be better when the trees aren’t so wet. These were taken about fourty-five minutes after the first set.
Also note that the pattern displayed here is generated local to the transmitter, so in this case, so a signal coming into the repeater is not necessary and this will provide the best possible signal to use for receive tests.
Here’s one taken today after a cool, but dry day.
Overall, I’m very pleased with the results and will certainly be recommending this preamp to the other members of the local ATV group.